No support for SNI (server name indication) extension, QTBUG-1352 This has been implemented by Daniel Black and David Faure and is now merged into Qt master.Qt uses shell globs for wildcards rather than the newer more restrictive policies.limit SSL message size to fit into one TCP packet, QTBUG-16716 / QTBUG-28764.enable SSL session sharing, QTBUG-14983.This section is for areas that have been put to bed: Work is being tracked in the issue tracker and a Wiki is being used to work through implementation and API design issues: Improving_TLS_handshake_support Solved Issues I've written up the details of the implementation and the its limitations at Support for TLS extensions and supplemental data This looks like something that can be addressed in a future release without major issues. I wrote a proof of concept for this that showed up some API limitations that prevent a production quality implementation.
The code is currently in my personal clone at Notification when the Certificate for a Site Changes As of Nov 2011 after a hiatus while I worked on some other areas, I have got this building against Qt 5. Still remaining is the integration of this code into the QNetworkAccessManager and QSslSocket classes, and a cache of the results. I've implemented the basic facilities required for OCSP support in Qt, specifically accessors for the AIA field of the certificate, and classes to generate and validate OCSP requests/responses. (OCSP) Online Certificate Status Protocol Support So, let's look at the areas where progress is already being made: This would be a depressing page if it wasn't for the fact that these issues are being addressed. Once the extra layer (above) is removed check if ensuring we always disable the Nagle algorithm helps our performance.do not use a tcp socket internally to send ssl data, QTBUG-14160.support the "abbreviated handshake" (as used by Google) to reduce round trip time, QTBUG-15452.That said, wouldn't it be nice if we had support for them in Qt with a nice API? It should be noted that most of these issues only affect a tiny minority of possible uses.

No support for OCSP (online certificate status protocol), QTBUG-12812.Add the ability to propagate errors encountered during the handshake to applications.